Notes listed on this page typically make use of illustrative material that does not reproduce well in the Society's laser-printed Newsletter, although it is hoped that all items which appear here will also appear there, sometimes without the illustration.
Pavel Tchelitchew and "Adam's Grave"
"We are all here on earth to help others . . ."
A Few Things Auden Never Wrote
Who Wrote Auden's Definition of a Professor?
Auden's Revisions, by W. D. Quesenbery
W. H. Auden's Revising Process, by Y. S. Yamada
An Outbreak of Forged Signatures
R. B. Mallion's Reminiscences of Auden at Christ Church, 1972-73 (full text of an essay abridged in Newsletter 37)
Auden reads “The Unknown Citizen” for Public Television, 1971